Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Harry Potter and Danielle's Obsession, Part II

Oh how I love that Harry Potter. I know you are all tired reading about my ridiculous obsession with Harry Potter but tough shit. We've watched him grow up through out the years and boy has he grown.

To see him in all his glory, click the link below. **NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK**

Oh me, oh my, look at the size. I'm impressed. I'd take hold of him and teach him how to be a man. I believe this picture was taken prior to him turning 18. I can only assume the laws in the UK differ from those here. With that being typed, do you think this would be considered child pornography?

Dumbledore - a Pillow Biter?!

JK Rowling has revealed that Dumbledore is gay. People say this gives new meaning to a few passages in the final book regarding Dumbledore and his old friend, Grindelwald. I myself was more intrigued by his relationship with the young Harry. In the 6th installment, Dumbledore and Harry spend a lot of time together. Do you think the he was trying to dumble Harry's dore?

It's a good thing JK waited until the final book was released - personally I think she should have waited until the 7th movie came out. The book series has already created major controversy in the religious community as the primary theme is that of wizardry and witchcraft. Can you imagine what the bible beaters must be saying now that Hogwarts' famous Headmaster is a butt pirate?