Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Road Closures

So I already know I’m going to hell so I’ll go ahead and post this.

Basically all major roads in North Tampa are closed from 3p – 6p for some dead cop’s funeral procession. I understand that he was some decorated guy and that he was killed for no reason but hell, I was going to work from home this afternoon and if by some stoke of God I happened to get loan documents I was gonna come back to the office to work on them. I can leave right now and go home but I won’t be able to get back if I need to. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!


Debbie Minerva said...

What I want to say I can't say on your blog.

Danielle said...

You can say anything on my blog! Fuck anyone who will take offense. You heard that right - FUCK YOU and YOU and YOU and oh yeah - YOU TOO!