Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something New Everyday

Today, at the campus, I bought a fruit juice from a vending machine with my check card. Who knew you could do such things?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did they have those at my school and it seems the sodas or drinks are cheaper there then in the cafetria, and yet people stil go to the cafeteria, seriously why?
Poor Obama the first black man in office and on top of that he is taking over our crappy in debt ecomony/country. I cant wait to see how all of this turns out, but I think it will be better than Bush in office, anything but Bush. Shit you know I just realize reading the date on your blog tomorrow is my man's birthday, crap! He turns the big four oh!!! lol wow and I'm still in my twenties lol I feel dirty lol. I'm definely gonna have to get off work early to make him dinner. Maybe I'll wake him up before work with some scented nail polish. Ok I just wanted to say hey and hope school is going good for you stay out of trouble I really think you are doing well and I'm not using your comment slot to blog my own crap but it feels good to post your thoughts and such I did'nt know it was this fun, I could go on forever too, lol...see ya tomorrow.