Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dumb Asses

Oh my! Two posts in one day? You know something good must have happened.

Well it did. It’s official – LINDSAY LOHAN IS A BLOODY IDIOT!

Let’s recap the events – back in May she was tore up and fighting with her lesbian lover. Her lover left the apartment and LiLo chased after her in her Benz. After catching up to her lover, Ms. Lohan proceeded to run her car into some shrubs. I believe the po-pos found a small amount of cocaine on her. Not that I condone illicit drug use (if you can put it up your nose or into your arm - don’t do it) but she should have never had a ‘small’ amount of coke on her. If it was a small amount she should have snorted it up before heading out. Dumb ass.

Just this morning Lindsay Lohan was popped for possession of cocaine, driving under the influence, transporting a narcotic into a custodial facility and driving on a suspended license. The new charges have nothing to do with the May arrest. She was out again last night partying it up. The media says she was chasing another car. The cops did a field sobriety test which she failed with flying colors. The arrested her and took her down to the pokey. When she was searched the found cocaine on her person. Dumb ass.

What have we learned today boys and girls (hey you – in the back with the french braids)?
Lesson One: Do all your drugs before getting into the car.
Lesson Two: If you are caught ‘riding dirty’ let the police know you’ve got something on you before the haul your dumb ass to the big house.

1 comment:

flawed said...

I whole-heartedly agree. I ALWAYS finish my blow before heading out. Duh.