Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I'm tired of being at home and it's only September! Eeek!

The CW has fucked me up as it's changed their daily line up. Cosby was on at 8a but now comes on at 9a, a slot previously held by Judge Maria Lopez. George Lopez is on at 10a now; My Wife and Kids comes on at 5p; South Park was on at 11p or something last night. I used to know what time it is based off the shows but now I'm all kinds of confused. I have to remember to watch the Steve Wilkos Show today - I was livid as yesterday it was To Be Continued. Fuck me. I need to get outta here.

My Monday was a'ight as Gossip Girl was on. My Man (yes, surprisingly enough he is still here) thinks I need a life because I get into all of these teen dramas. Hey - I have to live vicariously through someone! I am semi-happy it's Tuesday though since 90210.2 comes on tonight, however I think this is kinda crappy because it should come on Wednesdays at 8p, their time slot for like a decade, but Mizz Tyra has that on lock down, which is okay by me. I have new TV shows to watch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8p. Blah, blah, blah. I'm starting to sound like a whiny 15 year old.

We're still living in happy coupleness, but a housewife's work is never done. I swear it takes me half the day to clean the kitchen, clean the floors, do laundry, cook dinner, etc., etc., etc.. My Man is pretty hard up on me staying home when I start spawning off babies. I don't know if I'll be able to do that. I told him last night I will absolutely not drive a minivan or anything that has a sliding door EVER. No way, no how, it ain't happenin'. You can put me in an SUV or some type of 4 door sedan, but my ass is out the door if you think you're gonna throw in a Dodge Caravan and call it a day. NEGATIVE. I'm still getting used to the idea of being sperminated in 5 - 7 years, thus I am no where near ready to think about the prospect of being a soccer mom. I would like to win the lottery and get a surrogate. However My Man doesn't like this idea because he thinks the kid will come out with some of the baby carrier's features. I patiently explained that that is not how it works - my egg plus his sperm in the womb of someone else does not equal a baby that looks like the three of us. He disagrees. This is why I am the brain and he is the brawn. Bless him.

I went on a bit of a Xanax bender this weekend, just for fun, and I'm still recovering. I kicked that stuff like a month ago but I get so bloody bored that I'm searching for something, anything to do. I think I might take up drinking.

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