Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How Quickly Things Change, Part II

It's a new day and I feel a hell of a lot better. That's probably because I popped a few Xanax last night and slept through the shitty-ness. I was out by 8pm. My man went to Home Depot, came home and cleaned the bathroom toilets and vanities and I didn't even roll over. Xanax is the #1 sleeping aide out there.

My man has been talking about buying a new(er) car. He has a 2007 Toyota Matrix. It's a cute car with good gas millage, but he hates the car (I guess it's not masculine enough). He's gone out the past two weekends to car dealerships to see what's out there. I knew he wanted a truck and I would joke around and say stuff like Make sure it has an extended cab for the baby seat. He went 'window shopping' on Sunday AND CAME HOME WITH A $30,000 TRUCK. Mama mia. Granted, it does have a king size cab with a full back seat for the chitlins but sheesh. This morning we were chatting in the kitchen and he made a comment about how he really wanted an SUV. I told him he should have gotten one. He looked at me and said WE need a truck. Huh? WTF do I need a truck for? He was saying something about hauling stuff but what do I have to haul?

On a lighter note, my man's dad wants to give us their existing dinner room table. At least we have a truck to bring it over in. You know, I've been on my own for over a decade now and I've NEVER had a dining room table.

I've been trying to clean and organize the fuck out of my house. Parts of it haven't been cleaned since I moved in. I finally got the guest (Jeff's) bedroom cleaned out - closet and all. I found boxes that had never unpacked. Props to me - if it hadn't been unpacked, I figured I don't need it. He took three bags of clothes and two boxes of miscellaneous stuff to the Goodwill for me (Don't worry - I got a receipt - that shit's tax deductible). After getting rid of three garbage bags full of clothing, I still have no room in my walk in closet. It's ridiculous. I have a step ladder in my closet so I can get to everything.

Now that he has a room of his own, I have my 'casual closet' back. I loathe trying to go through drawers looking for something. The drawers always get screwed up, the get clothes unfolded. Therefore I hang all of my sweatpants, t-shirts, wife beaters, etc. in my casual closet. I have found this makes my life a lot easier as I usually have some idea as to what I'm looking for (the shirts in my walk in closet are organized by sleeveless, short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves and long sleeves, with each type of clothing further organized by color. OCD I know). You know you need a life when you're tickled pink about having more closet space.

That's about all I have today.

OMG I almost forgot! How fucking great is this? I think at some point I decided to boycott the show, but being that Donna, Kelly and Brenda will all be back at some point I have not choice but to watch. I wonder if Emily Valentine will be back?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

OMG I saw that yesterday!!!! I was also against the "new class" but when I saw Brenda might come back I was stoked! I hope she comes and kicks Kelly's ass! Boyfriend stealer!!