Saturday, July 19, 2008


It's nearly 3am and I am dangerously manic tonight. I haven't put anything up my nose in years and I just snorted a half a bar of Xanax. I forgot just how much that royally fucks you up. Talk about the effects hitting you quicker. I only did that because I didn't go to sleep during the Nyquil allotted time so I think I'm fucked and up all night long now.

The gravity of the situations are sinking in - both the unemployment and the relationship. My complexion is going to hell and my menstrual cycle is fucked up from the stress.

I think I'll be sleeping in tomorrow in a Xanax induced form of being ate up. I hate not being able to function and think clearly, but I hate being able to function and think clearly. Life is fucking ridiculous. What's the point of it all? Anybody?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get thee into rehab.