Friday, June 20, 2008

He's Too Much

I know everyone is tired of me bragging about how wonderful my man is but I can't help it. He keeps exceeding any expectation I may have and then some.

When he moved in I decided to charge him minimum rent as it was agreed that he'd help me fix up the house. He paid me June's rent but he keeps giving me money. He's given me an extra $250 or so this month and he even paid for me to have a manicure and pedicure earlier this week. Where has this man been all my life?

I am attributing it to The Secret. I've been putting out positive vibes into the universe for a while now. I've been wanting a GOOD man for a while. I been wanting someone to help me with the house upkeep. I been wanting someone to throw in money for bills. Ask and you shall receive?

You would think the newness would have worn off by now but it hasn't.

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